iPod is dead!!!





iPods changing their features for each generations

iPods changing their features for each generations


The article’s title really caught my attention because nowadays, iPods are considered as the most famous MP3 players in the world. We used to say MP3 players just before the iPods were on sale; as soon as the Apple launched their iPod nano, we soon switched the word MP3 to iPods. The word itself shows how popular it is todays. Every mall we go to, there is at least one Apple store, and if someone is listening to music with his/her earphones on, we assume that he/she is listening to iPods. Our mind-set has transformed from MP3 players to iPods.

Because I also own an iPod nano, I was surprised by the article’s title: The iPod is Dead. After reading the article, it was not about how the Apple company was going to go bankrupt, but about how the iPods are changing so quickly that the original iPods are vanishing. We consider an iPod as a device to listen to music, but it has now changed as will continue to change. The Apple company has just recently added new feature to iPod nano: a camera. The camera can take photos and record videos whenever we want to. The article mentions that if we go at this rate of technological change, we will soon own a small device that we own in our home: a computer. The article argues that the original iPods are disappearing. This argument is significant because it shows that the technology in our culture is changing very quickly and people are wanting more and better devices, and the original purpose of iPod is diassapearing,

The new generation with a camera


I think this article has touched an important part of our culture. Although the technological instruments are transforming swiftly, we need to look at the main purpose. iPods are made to listen to music, not to take pictures and record videos. There are others devices such as video cameras and DSLRs which can make the media in much better quality. I understand the fact that people want more features, but I feel that keeping the original tendency is important. One thing that I disagree about the article is an plane speculation on what the iPods are going to turn out to be in the future. We never know what is going to happen in the future. It is possible that another company will take over what is Apple now.

4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Paul B. said,

    Yes, the iPod has changed quite a bit since it first started. Nowadays, iPods, phones, cameras, and even mobile computers are all combined into one super-device. I wonder what’s in store for iPods in the future? I’m not so sure I trust that Apple will stay in business, but that’s a different issue that deserves a blog post of its own.

    Unrelated to the blog post, mostly, but has anybody tried the camera on the new nano yet? If it’s anything like the Zire 71/72’s camera, I won’t be buying it anytime soon. Cool idea, Palm, but it just wasn’t good enough for the Zire.

  2. 2

    cmjacob said,

    hey james your article really got my attention. i have one of the original Ipod Nano’s and i have seen many of the changes that newer ones have. i think i pods are changing to much from what they originally were. take the ipod touch i’ve seen people using it more to play games and surf the net than to actually listen to music. when i see this i cant help but get the falling that somthing will happen and apple comes crashing down, or some other company gets out done. Ipods should get back to focusing to on music and not other things.

  3. 3

    yululai said,

    Hi, James:
    This is Yululai. I just read your article about the dying i-pods. I was kind of shocked by this article’s opinion because I never concern that i-pod would be useless and to a dangerous positions on sales. Do you believe that i-pod will go to a dangerous position if other similar tools turn out with more powerful features?

  4. 4

    sabrinapan said,

    I agree with you that iPod is just a kind of mp3. We need it just for the sake of music. With the development of technology, the electronic devices become increasingly multifunctional. Even if the major function is to listen to music, we can also use it to film. That is really beneficial but, I think, it’s unnecessary. In my opinion, I prefer to own a device which has a few functions. If every device in the future has almost the same funtion, it will make me feel humdrum. But, anyway, I love the colors of Nano, so beautiful!

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