Women at War

I found this interesting article about how women are now taking part in the war at Afghanistan. When we think of the war and soldiers, we think of these group of men armed with guns, supplies and a helmet on. Since there are not many women soldiers that we can picture, I was willing to find out what this article is all about. At this point of time, Americans are very sensitive about the war and what the government does to deal with it. Obama gave recently gave a speech at the West Point regarding the soldiers in Afghanistan, and he maybe talking about the women soldiers to prepare to help the American soldiers.

The article specifically talks about group of women soldiers who are currently in training to go fight in Afghanistan. The generals tells the young women soldiers about the things they should be aware of while they are in service at Afghnistan. Bumiller, the writer, mentions that women do take important role in during war such as diffusing bombs. She also talks about how women can take responsibility as a captain and not just wait for their husbands or sons to get back home.

The article is talking about important issue in American history and how women can take part in wars. I think the article is well written, and notifies the world that women these days are different. From reading this article, people can get rid of the hidden stereotypes of women that they cannot take responsibility in wars like this.

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Now Hiring! – Employment in America

Nowadays, America, especially, is suffering from the post- recession with jobless rates. I was interested to read this article because I wanted to know how America is doing after the recession. I have heard several news about how people are getting fired from their jobs, and I wanted to find out what the government is doing to fix this problem. Not having job and having to live a life as an adult is very unfortunate, and I believe that it is an important issue to know as a young adult.

This article talks about current situation of employment and how it affects the economy. Looking at the bigger picture, it talks about the whole American economy because it starts by saying “The American economy lost fewer jobs than expected last month, bolstering hopes that the worst may finally be over in the wrenching event known as the Great Recession.” America has not improved much since the recession, but the article states that future jobless will be changed, hopefully. There are loans and debts that people have to pay, which also affects the American economy. Obama is taking action to improve the number of job, which is great to hear about. This is very significant because many people wants to know how America is doing, and how America will do because Americans lost a lot during the recession.

Jobless Mac Donald

After reading this article, it seems to me like there has not been big change after the economic crisis, but the article includes many positive feedbacks on the future of the economy of America, which I enjoyed reading. The article not only includes the current situation of the economy, but also future plans and situations. Obama will try his best to create more jobs for the jobless Americans.

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Security Over Money

As an international students and a person who will be traveling soon through airports, I had to click on this article about Body Scanners. Since I haven’t been to the airports since September, and I do not know how much they changed after many dangerous threats, I was very curious to see what changes was made, and will be made in the airports. I have heard stories about the newest edition of Body Scanner from one of the teachers, which shows how aware people are with the security issues in the United States of America. Especially after 9/11, America got this realization to focus more on the security of American citizens after leaving such a great psychological impact.

This article talks about how many Body Scanners will be added in many of the airports in US. It also mentions about how travelers are checked in the Airports nowadays. America is taking more actions towards improving the security issues in airports, and Obama administration is going to provide about $1 billion to improve the safety of the American travelers. This is significant because many people can now be happy America is actually spending money for security, and that the security is very reliable.

I like the way Obama is going with the security issue because it is better to spend money than dealing with accidents like 9/11. The article states many details and give readers that assurance of what the article is saying- America with better security. I argue that nowadays, America should set their focus back to security of citizens rather than centering on health care because one incident can cause something greater than an atomic bomb.

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The Founding Holy Fathers

I came across this interesting article about how the Founding Fathers of America was Christian and that America is Christian country by the recommendation of Mr. LaForest. At first, I was hesitated to read this 13 page article, but when I started, it was pretty interesting article to read because it was full of interesting ideas. After learning about the history of the United States and how religion took huge part of the history, it was interesting to read many arguments about what Christianity is to Americans.

The article talks about the Christian conservative activists who are trying to send their message that “Christians founded America, so we should acknowledge that by putting this information on textbooks” The activists, however, do not have supporting ideas to backup their argument to make the liberal American country to a Christian country. State of Texas is now considering making this happen, which can impact the whole nation because Texas is the leading state in education. They claim that America was founded by the Christian believer, activists, Don McLeroy and others, wants “use courts and public schools to fuse Christianity into the nation’s founding.” They are hurrying to make this happen so that next generation of kids can know the wrong history they are trying to change. This article is very significant because nowadays, people are not only trying to test the government to see if they can make their wish come true, but also go against the constitution (the first amendment).

I argue that this article is appropriate because it allows people to know how people in the new century thinks; the Christian activists lets us know how unaware of people are that they are trying to change the history. They are using the freedom of speech, but at the same time, violating the freedom of religion, which is kind of an irony. They have the right to say whatever they want, but they cannot make inappropriate claims like saying that America is Christian country. I argue that whatever the Christian activists are claiming should be stopped because of several reasons. First, America have stayed neutral in religion since the birth, and trying to change that is like changing the color of the American flag. Second, when religion takes part in politics, there would be big war starting, and people do not want to take part in any type of wars.

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iHolic- iPad from Apple

This article is about the newest edition of the gadgets for the gadgeteers. Last week, Steve Jobs, the CEO of the Apple Company, released a newest edition of the iSomething series: the iPad. Since America is in addiction with Steve Job’s products, and came to a point where MP3s are now called iPods and cellphones are called the iPhones, it seems to me like Apple is America’s best known company, even in the world too (I, myself, own two iPods and a iHome), and that is why I was interested in reading this article.

This article written by Manjoo included interesting facts about the iPad; he talked about the pros and cons. He seemed to me that he is more in favor of the iPad, although he talked about the downside of the new product. He goes into details about the positive side because the title says it all: I Love the iPad.

I personally stopped liking the iPad after reading Manjoo’s article because the article emphasized more on the negative side of the iPad. On the last line, he mentions, “The iPad isn’t for work. It’s for every other waking moment.” I think that he needs to fix his article a little to convince his opinion even better. Sticking with the title, he should only talk about the positive side, and try to convince the readers that iPad is “the computer I’ve always wanted.”

Personal opinion about the new iPad. I think it is not so practical. It is too big to put it your pockets, but it is too small to carry it in a computer bags. Also, since it is a touch screen keyboard, it seems to be hard to work when you are in rush. Also, the iPad is so thin and light that you have to break your neck trying to look down, or screw your legs for crossing it for a long time so that you can place it on your thigh.

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Make Good Decisions Version 2.0- General Motors

After spending two weeks trying to research about automobiles, I tried to find out some sources online, and came across reading this article. Working at a Dealership over winter break, the title of the article caught my attention. I’ve been interested in cars since I was seven years old, and I’ve collected pictures, videos, news about cars. Another reason why I am interested in this article is because after getting an experience at dealership, I can know how it feels when their work is gone.

The article talks about a stupid decision made by the General Motors. A Chrysler dealership in Utah called, Painters, has to be closed because the General Motors is not doing well financially. The funny part is that this dealership has long history(65 years) of good experience, and reputation from the local people, but has to be closed down anyway. Additionally, car dealership is the only job that the Painter family have, so by closing the dealership, it means that Chrysler is increasing the jobless percent in America.

The argument of the article is well written, but I have some things to say about the choices that General Motors made. First, I understand that America is in recession and all, especially for American car industry, and they lack financial support to continue many of the dealership, but taking away more dealership would cause even more financial problems because people cannot purchase the cars easily. So, in order to make the General Motors in better situation, I believe that they should keep the dealers so people can buy the products. Also, if Chrysler is going to close dealerships, do so on the ones that does not have productivity. The Painters dealership has had success for more than 60 years. I know it is hard, but I suggest that you, General Motors, should make good decisions.

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Make Good Decisions Version 1.0-Google

The reason why I started to read about this article is because the topic showed that Google is in trouble. Google.com has been one of the successful search engines, better than Yahoo, which had been one of the best before Google emerged. Google has always done a good job of satisfying users on the Internet by giving them fast and large searches, and now came to be used as a commonly used verb as people sometimes say, “Google it” to whatever they do not know. This shows how thriving Google is because Google even made a phone, and they are planning to make a new one. Before I read this article, I had a lot of respect and trust towards the decisions that Google have been making. But, when I saw that Google is not doing well (according to this article), and making problems in international relations, I was very disappointed at Google. The fact that Google has used copyrighted books from France caused all of these problems because Google violated the French law of copyright.

This is significant to American Society, and how America is viewed from other countries. Google can be considered as top representing e-company of America, where most of people can access easily with Internet. Because Google made a mistake to use other countries property without permission, it can affect the bigger world: America, and even bring stereotypes about how all Americans all make this same decisions because this is such a critical event for the France because they feel that America is not respecting France. The article is about the situation that the Google is facing and the attitudes of both sides. The articles says that Google has to pay fine of $430,000 for just one publishing group in France. France is, obviously, mad at the actions that Google had made by saying that that they(Google) should respect other people’s properties.


I argue that this article is well written because it shows the emphasis to make Google feel bad, and to backlash Google because what they decided to do. The article contains information about what Google did wrong, and I certainly agree with the attitudes of France because people get really mad when somebody messes with their own property. One of the leaders in Rome mentioned that in order to be a respected leader, that the leader should not touch people’s property.

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Obama’s Speech vs. Obama’s Prize

The President Obama’s Speech at West Point, New York can be considered one of the historical moments in today’s history because President of the United States of America gave solutions to long lasting war that have been going on for years and years. This speech can be considered critical to many people because President Obama is doing opposite of what he is supposed to do, which is to bring the troops back. He actually decided to send 30,000 more American soldiers to Afghanistan to ensure the security of the Afghanistan people, and bring them back just a year after, July of 2011. After listening to his speech, I felt that he has done a great job as the Commander in Chief to assure the security of the people in Afghanistan because many Afghanistan people have bad attitudes about America, and hopefully, Obama’s action will change this matter. President brought change as he mentioned in every single election speeches, and we are in the process of waiting for that change to happen.

I read this article about Obama’s speech and his Nobel Prize conflict with each other. I was interested in this article because it is related to the speech at the West Point, and the article criticized the point mentioned by the President. Although there can be always conflicts about what people say and how they act, others should not criticize the person because that person is doing things for reason especially this person is the President of the United States in this case.

The article is about how Obama’s acceptance of the Nobel peace prize is contrary to what he is doing in American right now, having two wars going on. The article mentions specific lines from the speech about how America should continue this fight until everything is settled and then bring back the soldiers when everything is solved. The article argues that this solution is not peaceful, which means that Obama should not accept the Nobel PEACE Prize because he is taking anti-peace actions. I think these comparisons of two significant events are noteworthy because one person is trying to catch two birds at a time.

This article is mentioning arguments that are absolutely unrelated. Nobel Prize is a side dish for Obama’s presidency, when his actions towards making America better is the main meal because Obama is the leader of a country and has a duty to take his job seriously, according to the Constitution. To compare, students do not take classes to get an award, the award is something that comes after all the hard work. Although he made the decisions that were not peaceful, he specifically mentions in both of the speeches that “So yes, the instruments of war do have a role to play in preserving the peace”. This quote shows that in order to make peace, he is taking an important step between to make this successful in a long term. He knows what he is doing guys. He is the president of America, and there is also reason why he accepted the Prize.

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Economic Failure of the Decade

Although I do not pay attention to many financial news, I found this article interesting because economy was huge part in the decade. I feel that there has been many deficit in American economy; many people in America are struggling financially, and thanks to President Obama, he trying hardest to bring America back on track. This article was interesting because it talked about the events that led to Economic failures in America. I am interested in this because I want to know what caused America to have unstable financial economy and why the America stock market had disappointing areas.

This article is self-explanatory; it talks about events for past 10 years that harmed the American economy. There were decrease in economy for America, when people wanted increase. We seem to blame the leader of America, but there are real events that caused problems in economy. Job and work opportunities for citizens was major part of the economic depression in America. There were many people who did not have jobs, and that it decreased and made the situation even worse. The stock is another cause of economic failure. The contents of this article is very significant because America has to make sure that this does not happen again.

Although I see what America’s mistake was that led to suffer economic problems, I think the article should have mentioned what we could do to prevent problems again in the future. It is great to know the mistakes, but the whole point of looking back at the failures is to learn from it and prevent to make that failure again because Failure is but a stepping stone to success. The comparison of this article to real life is, getting an essay back from a English teacher and  not making any corrections. Mr. Guenther’s favorite quote is “Fail sooner to achieve faster” If the article is about just the mistakes, I think it should be fixed. It should include how we could do as common people to prevent to make this happen again.

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Men vs. Women- Who’s more competitive?

Men and Women Competing

One thing that caught my attention of this article is the title: “Are men more competitive than women?” I wanted to read this article because of the title, and because that nowadays, competition has increased for me as I grew older and older and became more independent. I though getting some ideas about the differences between Men and Women is also why I chose this article. Competition is all over in our everyday lives; there can be a small competition such as who can eat the most hot dogs, and there are also really big competitions like the competition between the candidates. The generalization of how one side is better than another should not be made, at least that is what I believe, but this article was generalizing between sexes, and because of this, I wanted to know more about it how it would affect people’s thinking. The article itself is the competition because it is trying to figure out which side is better than the other. The idea of competition should be considered as important because it happens all the time.

The article is about how competitive each sex is and how the stereotype of women affect their competition. There are more gap of competitiveness that is different between women and men. In some areas, men are considered more competitive, where in other areas women are known as more competitive than men. I believe this idea of” who is more competitive” relates to what we have just discussed in the US history class: The Revolutionary War. Back in the American Revolution era, men were mostly involved in the war and men had all the rights because the men had more reason to compete against each other, and the British. They were also mentally stronger than women, which resulted that men were superior than women. To add, there were some figures whom we learned in class, Abigail Adams, and Mum Bett, who can be considered as competitors for their rights as women. Another relevance to the article and the history is the Declaration of Indepence, where it says, “All man are created equal”. I think this is significant because it ties into what we are currently learning.

I think this generalization of how one is better than the other should not be made in articles because it would generalize this concept even more intense in the future. As people do more and more generalizations like this, we can return to the American Revolution Era where women were not even considered. Thanks to many strong leaders and competitors of women who fight to not generalize this idea of how “this is better than that”. Examples are Hillary Clinton, and Oprah Winfrey. If the articles like this are viewed more and more by the readers, then, the situation of sexism can get worse, and create huge problem. Therefore, the stereotypes should not be mentioned in mass media.

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