Make Good Decisions Version 1.0-Google

The reason why I started to read about this article is because the topic showed that Google is in trouble. has been one of the successful search engines, better than Yahoo, which had been one of the best before Google emerged. Google has always done a good job of satisfying users on the Internet by giving them fast and large searches, and now came to be used as a commonly used verb as people sometimes say, “Google it” to whatever they do not know. This shows how thriving Google is because Google even made a phone, and they are planning to make a new one. Before I read this article, I had a lot of respect and trust towards the decisions that Google have been making. But, when I saw that Google is not doing well (according to this article), and making problems in international relations, I was very disappointed at Google. The fact that Google has used copyrighted books from France caused all of these problems because Google violated the French law of copyright.

This is significant to American Society, and how America is viewed from other countries. Google can be considered as top representing e-company of America, where most of people can access easily with Internet. Because Google made a mistake to use other countries property without permission, it can affect the bigger world: America, and even bring stereotypes about how all Americans all make this same decisions because this is such a critical event for the France because they feel that America is not respecting France. The article is about the situation that the Google is facing and the attitudes of both sides. The articles says that Google has to pay fine of $430,000 for just one publishing group in France. France is, obviously, mad at the actions that Google had made by saying that that they(Google) should respect other people’s properties.


I argue that this article is well written because it shows the emphasis to make Google feel bad, and to backlash Google because what they decided to do. The article contains information about what Google did wrong, and I certainly agree with the attitudes of France because people get really mad when somebody messes with their own property. One of the leaders in Rome mentioned that in order to be a respected leader, that the leader should not touch people’s property.

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    cmjacob said,

    wow this is interesting, but i’m a little confussed it was under my interpretation, that google takes the words one puts in to the search and, then searches the entire internet looking for any website with the keywords you searched for. i would like to know how they violated copyright laws, i have to ask because the link is not working. please if you have a chance please respond to this cpmment.

  2. 2

    mikesong14 said,

    I love this topic also! It is very interesting to know about this kind of new. As we know Google is the biggest searching website in the world, so how the news tells me is kind of impress me. Google had been face many kinds of different troubles, but all solved. So I would want to see how they keep this system well.

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