Obama’s Speech vs. Obama’s Prize

The President Obama’s Speech at West Point, New York can be considered one of the historical moments in today’s history because President of the United States of America gave solutions to long lasting war that have been going on for years and years. This speech can be considered critical to many people because President Obama is doing opposite of what he is supposed to do, which is to bring the troops back. He actually decided to send 30,000 more American soldiers to Afghanistan to ensure the security of the Afghanistan people, and bring them back just a year after, July of 2011. After listening to his speech, I felt that he has done a great job as the Commander in Chief to assure the security of the people in Afghanistan because many Afghanistan people have bad attitudes about America, and hopefully, Obama’s action will change this matter. President brought change as he mentioned in every single election speeches, and we are in the process of waiting for that change to happen.

I read this article about Obama’s speech and his Nobel Prize conflict with each other. I was interested in this article because it is related to the speech at the West Point, and the article criticized the point mentioned by the President. Although there can be always conflicts about what people say and how they act, others should not criticize the person because that person is doing things for reason especially this person is the President of the United States in this case.

The article is about how Obama’s acceptance of the Nobel peace prize is contrary to what he is doing in American right now, having two wars going on. The article mentions specific lines from the speech about how America should continue this fight until everything is settled and then bring back the soldiers when everything is solved. The article argues that this solution is not peaceful, which means that Obama should not accept the Nobel PEACE Prize because he is taking anti-peace actions. I think these comparisons of two significant events are noteworthy because one person is trying to catch two birds at a time.

This article is mentioning arguments that are absolutely unrelated. Nobel Prize is a side dish for Obama’s presidency, when his actions towards making America better is the main meal because Obama is the leader of a country and has a duty to take his job seriously, according to the Constitution. To compare, students do not take classes to get an award, the award is something that comes after all the hard work. Although he made the decisions that were not peaceful, he specifically mentions in both of the speeches that “So yes, the instruments of war do have a role to play in preserving the peace”. This quote shows that in order to make peace, he is taking an important step between to make this successful in a long term. He knows what he is doing guys. He is the president of America, and there is also reason why he accepted the Prize.

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