Archive for January, 2010

Make Good Decisions Version 2.0- General Motors

After spending two weeks trying to research about automobiles, I tried to find out some sources online, and came across reading this article. Working at a Dealership over winter break, the title of the article caught my attention. I’ve been interested in cars since I was seven years old, and I’ve collected pictures, videos, news about cars. Another reason why I am interested in this article is because after getting an experience at dealership, I can know how it feels when their work is gone.

The article talks about a stupid decision made by the General Motors. A Chrysler dealership in Utah called, Painters, has to be closed because the General Motors is not doing well financially. The funny part is that this dealership has long history(65 years) of good experience, and reputation from the local people, but has to be closed down anyway. Additionally, car dealership is the only job that the Painter family have, so by closing the dealership, it means that Chrysler is increasing the jobless percent in America.

The argument of the article is well written, but I have some things to say about the choices that General Motors made. First, I understand that America is in recession and all, especially for American car industry, and they lack financial support to continue many of the dealership, but taking away more dealership would cause even more financial problems because people cannot purchase the cars easily. So, in order to make the General Motors in better situation, I believe that they should keep the dealers so people can buy the products. Also, if Chrysler is going to close dealerships, do so on the ones that does not have productivity. The Painters dealership has had success for more than 60 years. I know it is hard, but I suggest that you, General Motors, should make good decisions.

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