Security Over Money

As an international students and a person who will be traveling soon through airports, I had to click on this article about Body Scanners. Since I haven’t been to the airports since September, and I do not know how much they changed after many dangerous threats, I was very curious to see what changes was made, and will be made in the airports. I have heard stories about the newest edition of Body Scanner from one of the teachers, which shows how aware people are with the security issues in the United States of America. Especially after 9/11, America got this realization to focus more on the security of American citizens after leaving such a great psychological impact.

This article talks about how many Body Scanners will be added in many of the airports in US. It also mentions about how travelers are checked in the Airports nowadays. America is taking more actions towards improving the security issues in airports, and Obama administration is going to provide about $1 billion to improve the safety of the American travelers. This is significant because many people can now be happy America is actually spending money for security, and that the security is very reliable.

I like the way Obama is going with the security issue because it is better to spend money than dealing with accidents like 9/11. The article states many details and give readers that assurance of what the article is saying- America with better security. I argue that nowadays, America should set their focus back to security of citizens rather than centering on health care because one incident can cause something greater than an atomic bomb.

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